Why bullies should use Brāv?

Let’s get this straight. No one should be proud to be a bully. No one really is.
(I’ll explain later).
In fact, no one should be even labeled a bully…for a few reasons. 1. Labels
are offensive; no one likes that, especially when the
labeled bully feels that they are
actually the victim. 2. Calling someone a bully may make them want to live
up to this title even more. 3. Bullies are often not proud, in fact, there is a
lot of research that suggest that bullies may lash out due to not being
proud…of themselves…of their personal lives…or other aspects of their
lives in which they have little control over.
We’d like to change that, but for now, people are labeled bullies, and bullies
can get in trouble. Brāv wants to help them too. Specifically, help them find
an alternative to getting punished, be it kicked out of school, fired on the
job, or publicly shamed, among others. How amazing would it be if every so
called bully sought out Brāv to speak to those that they are in conflict with
instead of all the horrible consequences above? Particularly if it’s a simple
misunderstanding that ended up escalating.
We need to change the way we view others, label others and treat others.
Brāv could get us a bit closer.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Nicolas Lecocq

    Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices.

    1. Nicolas Lecocq

      Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante.

      1. Nicolas Lecocq

        Murabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus.

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