Last week in New Jersey, a judge upheld the decision that schools, students
and parents accused of bullying can be named in lawsuits. In defense, the
schools involved in this particular case stated that they had notified
everyone of the alleged bullying that was occurring, but the fact that there
had been little to no resolution, still placed the particular schools, parents
and alleged bullies at fault.
What does that mean for you? Well, it could very well mean that this new
decision coming out of New Jersey could serve as an example for other
states to follow. In addition, this determination could easily spread to other
areas of life, including work place harassment, organization conflicts and
more. That means there is a higher chance of you getting sued if you have
been or are involved in a conflict or even if you simply own a business or
work at a school where bullying and harassment takes place.
Bringing disagreeing parties to the table before conflict gets so out of hand
that litigation is considered could prevent a lot of hassle, money and time in
the long run.
Brāv provides this middle ground – an effective way to reduce the likelihood
of any conflict increasing through the skill of a Brāv One intermediary who
listens to each side of the argument. The best part is that all of this occurs
within the comfort and privacy of your home or elsewhere.
Even more, implementing Brāv as a plan that your entire school, place of
work or organization as a whole uses, allows for stronger accountability as
everyone now has an opportunity to be heard, while adding the ability to
create consequences unique to each school, work or organization if an
individual is not cooperative.
The key is communicating to everyone involved and finding a solution in
which everyone can live with. Let’s get brāv enough to reach a solution
amongst our peers before suing is even considered an option.
More information on the New Jersey case: