Guest Post: Meryl Sharlene Siongco
5 Minutes seems really short for some, but those minutes are actually quite
a lot of time to do “good” for yourself.
I know what you’re thinking…”What! Five minutes for myself! I don’t have
time.” …with busy schedules and work, us humans forget our
priorities…particularly to ourselves. It is somewhat taboo to wish to focus
on ourselves and some coquettishly misdiagnosis doing this as
“narcissistic.” It is indeed a good idea to not only focus on but enjoy
ourselves. To embrace who we are as unique individuals as well as part of
the collective of humankind.
We can begin doing this every morning – proclaim a few great mantras
including “I love being me” or even anticipate the day ahead and how you
plan to make it better for yourself and those who you must interact with –
arbitrarily or regularly.
Or if we give ourselves five minutes each day to read to gain insight, look at
ourselves in the mirror to gain perspective, or drink tea to nourish
ourselves, or even just embrace life to create good memories, many of us
could begin to appreciate not only ourselves but others much more.
Life can get busy and hard and sobering – particularly when we don’t stop
and think…
…but please take the time to enjoy who you are. Life is too short to forget