Guest Post: Meryl Sharlene Siongco
We all have experienced the feeling of being scared, right? But with that
feeling comes the option of being brave.
Being brave means many things. For example, being brave to talk to that
person you really like or even telling someone you love them. To be brave is
to also have courage to do something that we are scared to do or scared that
it might end badly.
We get negative feelings
anticipating bravery and that can cause us to back out of a situation because
we fear change or pain. For example, there was a time I was really scared to
go sky diving because in the beginning I was blind folded and I took off my
blind fold only right before I was going to jump.
When I saw how high I was from the ground it was frightening at first…but
I knew I didn’t want to back out from experiencing something worth
remembering. As a result, I summoned the courage and I jumped off the
plane, that’s when being in the air sky diving was very joyful and a
wonderful experience. It was worth trying out.
Being scared equally provides us the potential to be brave and have
courage. You simply never know how the situation will turn out if you don’t
go for it. No matter whatever situation, always have the courage and the
bravery to go for it. It will change your life and make you glad you took a